Please Vote

Please Vote

*For some time now, we have been hearing about how the polls say we are going to vote. The thing about many polls is they only ask a selection of the population a few well worded questions.

*The truth is it is in our hands who we choose to vote for (at least in our elections right now). We have the right to do research and to make our voice known in our vote.

*It is true once elected some officials choose to follow what their party says for them to do, but we can contact them with our concerns and if they are still not listening then when the next election comes we have our vote.

*We need to remember it is us who votes for who we believe will best represent us (represent our voice and the voices of those who cannot vote) when we cast our votes.

*Please remember to be respectful and courteous before and after the voting.

*Voting is our civic duty and our right to do.

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